CPD Courses

Optimum Limited has been successfully awarded Official CPD Standards Office Accreditation. Our People Management Training Programme has achieved formal CPD accreditation which means delegates can collect CPD points upon completing learning activities. The training delivered by Optimum Limited have undergone a detailed assessment process with the CPD Standards Office which involves a review of how the content is developed and delivered, as well as a review of internal processes.

CPD Standards Office (CPDSO) help CPD providers ensure that they are delivering consistently high quality training that is inclusive and collaborative. Their standards of excellence for training and learning providers demonstrate to individual professionals that the learning activity conforms to CPD best practice and is appropriate for inclusion in a formal CPD record. The CPD Standards Office forms part of the Professional Development Consortium.

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The Consortium works to build bridges between stakeholders to increase the benefits of CPD to individuals and employers. In particular, they encourage the spread of best practice and the sharing of support.

CPD is another term for lifelong learning. In our ‘knowledge society’ continuous learning has become the norm. Nearly all professionals are now expected and often required, to undertake some form of continuous development.

Accreditation by the CPD Standards Office will provide a kitemark of quality that will serve professionals and providers, and help to raise overall standards. CPD Standards Office accreditation is internationally recognised, ensuring that CPD points can be counted in professional records regardless of geographical location.

If you have any other questions about CPD please contact our Optimum Team or visit www.cpdstandards.com

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Why is Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Choosing Optimum for CPD Training

Optimum Limited provides a wide range of business development, consultancy and training, accredited and non-accredited to companies across all industry sectors, whilst also offering client-specific and scheduled training programmes. The fundamental purpose of our training and development programmes is to link company objectives to individuals in order to achieve outstanding business performance and personal achievement. 

Since its establishment in 1990, Optimum has demonstrated a clear correlation between people development and the bottom line. This ethos has helped Optimum in establishing a portfolio of highly reputable clients in the private sector, state and local agencies, universities and professional bodies,nationally and internationally. As a preferred choice provider and partner to many of Ireland’s leading businesses, we have learned that the key to our success is putting their success first. Our focus is on building lasting partnerships that offer positive outcomes and an engaging and rewarding learning experience. 

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Adding Points to your CPD Record

CPD is a vital aspect of any professional’s career. In certain sectors, governing bodies or regulators establish CPD policies that members must follow. Professionals who operate within regulated environments must maintain CPD records to ensure continued practice. This can be quantified through CPD hours or points, or evaluated based on outcomes.

Essentially, individuals must identify their own learning needs, pursue relevant development opportunities, and reflect on how these experiences enhance their performance in their respective roles. CPD points or hours are an integral part of what are termed CPD schemes and can also be known as CPD Credits or CPD merits.

Enhancing Your Professional Career

Engaging in formal CPD activities and documenting them serves as compelling evidence to demonstrate to current or prospective employers that you actively strive to stay updated in your field. Not only does a well-maintained CPD record facilitate progress in your current role and industry knowledge, but it also aids in transitioning between different sectors.

One CPD hour is one full contact hour of teaching or learning, and can include Q&A sessions but not networking time. One CPD point usually equals one CPD hour. This can however vary from sector to sector.

Accredited CPD Standards Office Certificate

Upon completing accredited training, structured reading, or attending accredited events, you can request a formal CPD certificate to document your CPD points. Additionally, the CPD Standards Office certificate provides a reflective learning tool on the back, assisting in creating a reflective statement if your CPD policy emphasizes outcomes.

For learners, the CPD certificate and accumulated points in their professional record are valuable assets for future career advancement beyond their current roles. The encouragement and dedication to lifelong learning provided by CPD initiatives can foster a motivated, engaged team which additionally stimulates accelerated positive personal development .

Investing in Your Employees

Employers should prioritize showcasing their commitment to staff development, which can be achieved by offering CPD Accredited activities. This demonstrates investment in employees’ growth and motivation within the organisation.

CPD can support you in your career, equipping you with the knowledge and skills required to stay up to date in your industry. These new skills allow you to perform your role at a higher level by improving soft skills, technical knowledge and staying up to date with technology trends to provide holistic solutions to your clients or business

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